Short exact sequence of vector spaces

exact-sequencelinear algebra

Suppose $V$ is a finite-dimensional vector space, and $U,W$ its subspaces. Is it possible to construct the following short exact sequence? $$0\rightarrow U\cap W\xrightarrow{f}U\oplus W\xrightarrow{g}U+W\rightarrow 0 \text{ (the direct sum here is external)}$$
I thought we could consider $U+W$ as $(U\oplus W)/(U\cap W)$ (the dimensions seem to permit it), then $f$ can be the standard injective inclusion $\iota$ of $U\cap W$ in $U\oplus W$ and $g$ the standard surjective "projection" $\pi$ onto the quotient space. Is this explicit enough a definition for $f$ and $g$? The exercise asks to construct these mappings, would there be any need to go into further detail than this?

Best Answer

I think you can prove something stronger:

Let be $I$ and $J$ ideals of a ring $R$ ($R$-modules). Then the below sequence is exact: $$ 0 \to I \cap J \xrightarrow{f} I \oplus J \xrightarrow{g} I+J \to 0 $$

Indeed, you can identify $I \oplus J$ with $I \times J$. Then, you pick $$ f: I \cap J \to I \oplus J \qquad x \mapsto (x,x) $$


$$ g: I \oplus J \to I+J \qquad (x,y) \mapsto x-y $$

The first function is invective obviously, while the second is surjective (nothing to say I think). Moreover, if $a \in Im (F)$, then there exists $x \in I \cap J$ such that $a = (x,x)$. Then $g(a) = g(x,x) = x-x=0$, then $a \in \ker (g)$. Viceversa, if $(x,y) \in \ker(g)$ then $x = y$. Thus $(x,y) \in Im(f)$.

Clearly, your exercise is a particular case of what I've just said (vector spaces over a field $K$ are just $K$-modules)

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