Shifted Schwartz Functions are Schwartz

binomial theoremmeasure-theoryproof-explanationreal-analysisschwartz-space

I am asking about the same question as this post: Translation of a Schwartz function is a Schwartz function?

Namely: If $f\in S(\mathbf{R}^n)$ and for all $y\in\mathbf{R}^n$ then $\tau_{y}f\in S(\mathbf{R^n})$? Equivalently, is it true that we have $\sup_{x \in \mathbf{R}^N} |x^{\alpha} \partial_{x}^{\beta} \tau_{y}f(x)|<\infty$?

I am not very familiar with the multi index Binomial Theorem and it seems like the result follows from there. Can someone elaborate further why exactly this is true?

Best Answer

\begin{align}\sup_x |x^\alpha D^\beta f(x-y)| &= \sup_x |(x+y)^\alpha D^\beta f(x)| \\ &\le \sup_x \sum_{\gamma\le \alpha} C_{\gamma,\alpha}|x|^{|\gamma|} |y|^{|\alpha-\gamma|} |D^\beta f(x)| \\ &\lesssim_{\alpha,y} \sum_{\gamma\le \alpha} [f]_{\gamma,\beta} < \infty \end{align} where $[f]_{\alpha,\beta}$ is the seminorm $[f]_{\alpha,\beta} = \sup_{x} |x^{\alpha}D^\beta f(x)|$.