Sheafification of representable presheaves


Recall that if $\mathscr{C}$ is a site (which, for me, means a category equipped with a Grothendieck pretopology—not sieves) that it’s not in general true that the representable presheaf $h_X$ associated to an object $X$ of $\mathscr{C}$ is a sheaf.

In particular, one can consider the composition of functors

$$\mathscr{C}\to \mathsf{PSh}(\mathscr{C})\xrightarrow{(-)^\#}\mathsf{Sh}(\mathscr{C})$$

(where $(-)^\#$ denotes sheafification) and think of the full image—the full subcategory of $\mathsf{Sh}(\mathscr{C})$ whose objects are sheaves isomorphic to $h_X^\#$ for an object $X$ of $\mathscr{C}$. Let me denote this category with the (probably poorly chosen) notation $\mathscr{C}^\#$.

My question is then the following

Question: What is an explicit description of $\mathscr{C}^\sharp$?

To give an idea of what type of description I’m looking for, I think that one can write that there is a bijection

$$\mathrm{Hom}(h_X^\#,h_Y^\#)=\varinjlim_{\substack{\{U_i\to X\}\\ \mathscr{C}\text{-coverings}}}\check{H}^0_\mathrm{loc}(\{U_i\to X\}, h_Y)$$


$$\check{H}^0_\mathrm{loc}(\{U_i\to X\}, h_Y):=\left\{(f_i)\in\prod_i \mathrm{Hom}_{\mathscr{C}}(U_i,Y): f_i\text{ and }f_j\text{ agree locally on overlaps for all }i,j\right\}$$

where $f_i$ and $f_j$ agreeing locally on overlaps means that there exists a cover $\{V_k\to U_i\times_X U_j\}$ such that $(f_i)\mid_{V_k}=(f_j)\mid_{V_k}$.

This is literally, I believe, just because one has natural bijections


the first from the definition of sheafification, and the second from Yoneda’s lemma. The claimed equality then follows from the explicit description of sheafification.

Refined question: With the above description of $\mathrm{Hom}(h_X^\#,h_Y^\#)$ (or a slightly modified, but still
explicit version)

  • What is the actual map $h_X^\sharp(Z)\to h_Y^\#(Z)$ for $Z$ an object of $\mathscr{C}$?
  • What is the composition $$\mathrm{Hom}(h_X^\#,h_Y^\#)\times \mathrm{Hom}(h_Y^\#,h_Z^\#)\to \mathrm{Hom}(h_X^\#,h_Z^\#)$$ look

NB: I’m mostly looking for a reference. Obviously you can answer this question by tracing through all the definitions, but I’d like to save myself the time/writing and just cite something. I’d be a little surprised if a reference didn’t exist.


Best Answer

I don't have the reference you want, but here's the concrete description of composition you ask for.

An element of $h_Y^\sharp(X)$ is witnessed by some cover $\{U_i\to X\}$ and maps $U_i\to Y$ agreeing on overlaps. An element of $h_Z^\sharp(Y)$ is witnessed by a cover $\{V_j\to Y\}$ and maps $V_j\to Z$ agreeing on overlaps. The composition in $h_Z^\sharp(X)$ is then witnessed by the cover $\{U_i\times_Y V_j \to U_i \to X\}$ and the maps $U_i\times_Y V_j \to V_j \to Z$.