Sheaf with an inverse is locally free of rank 1.


Let $(X,\mathcal O)$ be a ringed space. I am trying to prove that any $\mathcal O$-module that has an inverse with respect to the tensor product is locally free of rank $1$. I've found in Hartshorne a proof of the converse (i.e. any locally free sheaf of rank $1$ has an inverse), but not this.

Any hints?

Best Answer

If you take a general ringed space, this can be wrong. Take $R$ a ring which has a module $M$, that is not free, but which has an inverse $N$ with respect to the tensor product.

Now take $X=\{x\}$ just a single point. Thus sheaves in sets/rings/modules are just equivalent to sets/rings/modules... Now take the structure sheaf given by $R$ and sheaf given by $M$. Then obviously $M$ is invertible (with inverse $N$). But $M$ is not free and since your space $X$ is just a point, it is also not locally free.

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