Sheaf inclusion for globally generated coherent sheaf


This is an Exercise in Popa's note: Kodaira dimension of algebraic varieties, page 32.

Let $\mathcal F$ be a globally generated coherent sheaf of generic rank $r$ on a variety $X$. Then there exists a sheaf inclusion:
$$\mathcal O_X^{\oplus r}\hookrightarrow \mathcal F.$$

I know a baby version stating that if a line bundle $L$ admits a nonzero global section, then we have a sheaf inclusion $\mathcal O_X\hookrightarrow L$ defined by $1_x\mapsto s_x.$

But for our case, I cannot see how to find the suitable map to verify the injectivity. Since the generic rank is $r$, we could at least find $r$ global nonzero sections, then how to explain the injectivity?

Best Answer

Let $V$ be a space of global sections of $F$ generating $F$. If $v \in V$ is a general element, the corresponding morphism $v \colon \mathcal{O}_X \to F$ is injective. Let $$ F' := \mathrm{Coker}(v \colon \mathcal{O}_X \to F), \qquad V' := V / \langle v \rangle. $$ Then $F'$ is a coherent sheaf of generic rank $r - 1$ and $V'$ is a space of global sections of $F'$ generating it. Now the required result follows by induction.

EDIT. Indeed, by induction there is a subspace $U' \subset V'$ of dimension $r - 1$ such that the map $U' \otimes \mathcal{O}_X \to F'$ is injective. Let $U \subset V$ be the preimage of $U'$ in $V$, this is a subspace of dimension $r$. Then it is straightforward to check that $U \otimes \mathcal{O}_X \to F$ is injective.

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