Shape invariant of a rational Bézier curve

bezier-curvecurvesgeometrynumerical methods

I'd like to prove that $c_1=\frac{w_0w_2}{w_1^2}\,$ is a shape invariant for a quadratic Bézier curve, i.e. if the weights $w_i$ are modified but $c_1$ is kept constant, then the shape of the curve doesn't change (the only thing changing is the parametrization). Moreover where can I find the general proof for an nth degree rational Beziér curve?

I tried to search in Farin and NURBS but in both textbooks the proof is skipped. They redirect me to an old PhD thesis that I cannot easily find online.

Best Answer

Elaborating on the second idea I suggested in my first answer.

As before, assume that we have a rational quadratic Bézier curve with control points $\mathbf P_0$, $\mathbf P_1$, $\mathbf P_2$, and weights $w_0$, $w_1$, $w_2$. Let $\mathbf M$ be the mid-point of the chord $\mathbf P_0 \mathbf P_2$, so that the line $\mathbf M \mathbf P_1$ is a median of the triangle $\mathbf P_0 \mathbf P_1 \mathbf P_2$. Let $\mathbf S$ be the point where the curve crosses this median. The point $\mathbf S$ is often called the shoulder point of the conic, and the ratio $\rho = \mathbf M \mathbf S / \mathbf M \mathbf P_1$ is called the projective discriminant. The three points $\mathbf P_0$, $\mathbf P_1$, $\mathbf P_2$ together with the $\rho$ value completely determine the conic, and in fact the value of $\rho$ tells us the type of the conic. enter image description here

It is straightforward to show that the shoulder point $\mathbf S$ corresponds to the point with parameter value $t=\tau$ on the Bézier curve, where $$ \tau = \frac{\sqrt w_0}{\sqrt w_0 + \sqrt w_2} $$ Substituting this back into the curve equation, we find that the shoulder point is $$ \mathbf S = \mathbf F(\tau) = \frac{\tfrac12 \sqrt{w_0w_2}\,(\mathbf P_0 + \mathbf P_2) + w_1\mathbf P_1}{\sqrt{w_0w_2} + w_1} $$ If we define $c = w_0w_2/w_1^2$, this becomes $$ \mathbf S = \frac{\tfrac12 \sqrt c \,(\mathbf P_0 + \mathbf P_2) + \mathbf P_1} {\sqrt c + 1} = \frac{ \sqrt c \,\mathbf M + \mathbf P_1} {\sqrt c + 1} $$ and it follows that $$ \rho = \frac{1}{\sqrt c + 1} $$ This shows that the shoulder point (and hence the shape of the curve) depends only on the control points $\mathbf P_0$, $\mathbf P_1$, $\mathbf P_2$ and the value of $c$.

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