Set of all non- injective linear transformations a Subspace

linear algebralinear-transformationsvector-spaces

Considering the set of linear transformations from V to W, given each are not injective does this mean that The set doesn’t form a Subspace? I would have thought this would be the case since the 0 vector from V could be mapped to another vector as well as the 0 vector in W? Or would this not be the case since it was given they are a set of LINEAR transformations? To be a Subspace would need the transformation to the 0 vector in W, is this prevented given they are Not injective?

Best Answer

This is not a subspace. For example, if you are in $\mathbb{R}^2$, consider $$\varphi(x,y)=(x,0) \quad \text{and} \quad \psi(x,y)=(0,y)$$

Both are non-injective, but $\varphi+\psi = \mathrm{id}$ is injective.

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