Sequentially open sets but not open


Can anyone think of an example of a topological space that admits sequentially open sets that are not open?

A subset $U\subseteq X$ is called sequentially open if the following is true: Whenever some sequence $x_n$ in $X$ is convergent to $x\in U$, then there is $n_0$ such that $x_n\in U$ for each $n\ge n_0$. (I.e., the sequence $x_n$ is eventually in $U$.)

An equivalent condition is that the complement is sequentially closed. That means that for any convergent sequence which lies entirely in the complement $X\setminus U$, the limit also belongs to $X\setminus U$.


Best Answer

Let $X$ be an uncountable set with the co-countable topology; a sequence $\langle x_n:n\in\Bbb N\rangle$ in $X$ converges to a point $x\in X$ if and only if there is an $m\in\Bbb N$ such that $x_n=x$ for all $n\ge m$. Let $A$ be an uncountable subset of $X$ with uncountable complement; then $A$ is not open, but any sequence converging to a point of $A$ is eventually in $A$.

Of course that space is only $T_1$, but we can do better. Let $\alpha$ be any ordinal greater than $\omega_1$, and let $X$ be $\alpha$ with the order topology. $X$ is quite nice, being hereditarily normal. Let $A=\{\xi\in X:\omega_1\le\xi\}$; $A$ is not open in $X$, but $A$ is sequentially open, since every sequence frequently in $X\setminus A$ either converges to a point of $X\setminus A$ or fails to converge.