Semantic proofs to syntactic proofs


Given a first-order logic theory $T$ and and a formula $F$, suppose I have semantically proved that $T\vdash F$. That is, I have proved that any model $M$ of $T$ satisfies $F$ and I conclude by Gödel's completeness theorem.

Do I have a general algorithm to extract from the above a syntactic proof of $T\vdash F$, i.e. a finite sequence of formulas that respects inference rules, uses $T$ and finishes at $F$ ?

If no such algorithm exists, then did I really prove $T\vdash F$ ? The completeness theorem was just an example of how to indirectly prove that there exists a proof of $T\vdash F$, without explicitly giving this latter proof. What if my indirect proof uses an inaccessible cardinal, do I have to mention the awkward
$$ (\text{ZFC + Inaccessible cardinal})\; \vdash\; (T \vdash F) $$
And then this proof can also be indirect, so I might continue stacking theories to the left and it becomes a nightmare. Don't semantic or other indirect formal proofs somewhat defeat the purpose of formal logic, that we should be absolutely certain that the formal proofs exist and are correct?

Best Answer

Keep in mind that proofs are "easily-recognizable finite strings of symbols" - precisely, we can effectively enumerate all proofs from a given theory. So we can always find a formal proof of $F$ from $T$ - if one exists - effectively by simply checking each $T$-proof in order until we find one which is a proof of $F$. This is unsatisfying, but is perfectly precise and effective.

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