Self-made Sangaku-style geometry problem involving chords and inscribed circles

circleseuclidean-geometrygeometrygolden ratiosangaku

In the diagram, circles (or disks, if you like) of the same color have the same radius. (For an explicit description of the diagram, see below.)

enter image description here

Let $g=$ radius of the green circles, $r=$ radius of the red circles. Find the value of $g/r$.

I have used a computer to find that the answer is exactly $5$. I'm looking for a solution that does not require a computer (like my previous self-made Sangaku-style problem).

About my computer-assisted solution: I used desmos to manually draw the circles, zooming in to get close approximations of their centres and radii. Then I discovered that the value in question was extremely close to $5$. Then I put my approximations into Wolfram, and it gave me suggested closed forms. Then I put these closed forms back into the equations of the circles, and they seem to be "perfect fits" (when I zoom in, there are no gaps or overlaps between neighboring circles or chords), with the value in question being exactly $5$.

Fun facts: Another blue circle could fit perfectly in the centre. The ratio of black to green (radii) is $\phi+1$, and the ratio of green to blue is $\phi$, where $\phi=\frac{1+\sqrt5}{2}$ is the golden ratio.

Explicit description of the diagram: In a black circle, two chords of equal length meet at a point on the circle. In each of the two segments thus formed, a largest possible green circle is inscribed, followed by a pair of largest possible blue circles (one on each side of the green circle), followed by a pair of largest possible red circles (so each blue circle is between the green circle and a red circle). A third green circle touches the black circle and the two chords. Circles of the same color have the same radius.

Best Answer

A symmetry argument shows that the top two blue circles are tangent not just to the green circles on the same side of the chords, but also to the top green circle. This is because a reflection about a diameter that passes through, say, the center of the top right blue circle, must map that blue circle to itself, and the rightmost green circle to the topmost green circle, and vice versa.

Consequently, there is a horizontal tangent line that can be drawn so that the top five circles forms a third sector with all the corresponding tangencies preserved. This also implies that a circle centered at the origin that is externally tangent to all three green circles will have the same radius as the blue circle, since a reflection about a line joining the centers of the top green circle with the rightmost green circle will map the center of the top right blue circle to the origin.

Next, it is easy to determine the radius of the green cirles. Assuming without loss of generality that the large circle has unit radius. Then the radius of the green circle must satisfy

$$\frac{g}{2-g} = 1 - 2g, \implies g = \frac{3 - \sqrt{5}}{2}. \tag{1}$$

This in turn means that the blue circle has radius $$b = 1 - 2g = \sqrt{5} - 2. \tag{2}$$

The radius of the red circle $r$ is the most difficult to determine. One way is to place the figure on the coordinate plane and compute the coordinate of the center of the top right blue circle, which is $$(x_b, y_b) = \left(\sqrt{10 \sqrt{5} - 22}, 2(\sqrt{5} - 2) \right), \tag{3}$$ the proof of which I leave as an exercise (hint: compute the coordinate of the intersection of the horizontal chord with the chord on the right). Then $r$ must satisfy

$$\begin{align} x_r^2 &= (1-r)^2 - (b+r)^2, \\ (x_r - x_b)^2 + (b - r)^2 &= (b + r)^2, \end{align} \tag{3}$$ where $x_r$ is a nuisance variable representing the $x$-coordinate of the top right red circle. This gives us the unique nontrivial solution $$x_r = 4 \sqrt{\frac{\sqrt{5}-2}{5}}, \quad r = \frac{3 - \sqrt{5}}{10}. \tag{4}$$ hence $g/r = 5$.

enter image description here

For fun, I also made a little animation.

enter image description here

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