Self intersection of a line $L$ in a surface $X\subset\Bbb{P}^3$ of degree $d$


Let $X\subset\Bbb{P}_\Bbb{C}^3$ be a smooth algebraic surface of degree $d$ and $L\subset X$ a line in it. Compute the selfintersection $L^2$.

I'm only able to deal with it when $d=1$, in which case $X\simeq \Bbb{P}^2$ and $L$ is a line in $\Bbb{P}^2$, which has self intersection $1$.

For the other cases I'm stuck, even for $d=2$. I know I need to somehow "move" $L$ through $X$ in order to get some $L'$ with $L\sim L'$ and see what happens with $L\cap L'$.

I've tried to look at the example of the one-sheeted hyperboloid $X=V(x^2-y^2+z^2-w^2)$. I know this is a ruled surface, so I imagined that a line $L\subset X$ could be moved into a disjoint line $L'$, so that $L\cap L'=\emptyset$ and $L^2=0$.

But first, I don't know how to formalize this, meaning: how do I find $f\in k(X)$ so that $L-L'=\text{div}(f)$? And second: the one-sheeted hyperboloid seems like a very specific example; how can I find a general solution?

Best Answer

The standard way is to use genus formula. For a curve $C\subset X$, $X$ a smooth projective surface, $2g(C)-2=C\cdot(C+K_X)$. So, in your case $-2=L\cdot(L+K_X)$. But, by adjunction, $K_X=O_X(d-4)$ and thus $L\cdot K_X=d-4$. So, we get, $L^2=2-d$.

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