Second order differential equation with hyperbolic function

calculushyperbolic-functionshyperbolic-geometryordinary differential equationssolution-verification

Consider the second order differential equation $\frac{d^2f}{dt^2}+a\frac{df}{dt}+bf=0$, where $a,b\in\mathbb{R}$. For which values of $a,b$ do we have $f(t)=\sinh(At+B)$ being a solution of this DE?

Attempt: Differentiating via the chain rule we have $\frac{df}{dt}=A\cosh(At+B)$ and $\frac{d^f}{dt^2}=A^2\sinh(At+B)$. Substituting in these results to the original DE gives:

$(A^2+b)\sinh(At+B)+aA\cosh(At+B)=0$. However I don't know how to go any further to determine $a,b$.

Best Answer

In the same spirit as @Tavish, consider that $$f(t)=(A^2 +b)\sinh (At+B)+aA \cosh(At+B)=0$$ needing to be true for all $t$, use the Taylor series around $t=0$ $$f(t)=\left(a A \cosh (B)+\left(A^2+b\right) \sinh (B)\right)+A \left(a A \sinh(B)+\left(A^2+b\right) \cosh (B)\right)t+O\left(t^2\right)$$

So, from the first coefficient $$b=-\text{csch}(B) \left(a A \cosh (B)+A^2 \sinh (B)\right)$$ Plug in the second coefficient and you are left with $$a A^2 \text{csch}(B)=0$$ Assuming $A\neq0$ then $a=0$ and then $b=-A^2$.