Scope in $\forall x P(x) \rightarrow Q(x)$


For $ \exists x P(x) \wedge Q(\color{blue}x) $

The scope of the quantifier, is just the predicate $P(x)$, thus the occurrence of x in blue is free.

I am unsure exactly the scope of the quantifier in this formula:

$ \forall x P(x) \rightarrow Q(\color{red}x) $

Based off the previous formula, I think the occurrence of the x in red is free but I'm not sure.

Is the occurrence of $\color{red}{x}$ free or bound? Would this vary based off convention?

Best Answer

You are right.

The "usual" convention is that quantifiers, like negation, apply as little as possible.

Thus, $∃xα∧β$ is $(∃xα∧β)$, and not $∃x(α∧β)$.

The same for $∀xP(x) → Q(x)$: without parentheses, the scope of $∀x$ is only $P(x)$. Thus, the occurrence of $x$ into $Q(x)$ is free.

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