Schur multiplier of $C_{2^n-1} \rtimes C_n$


I am interested in computing the Schur multiplier of $C_{2^n-1} \rtimes C_n$ for any given $n \in \mathbb{N}$, where the action of $C_n$ is given as the automorphism of the Singer cycle $C_{2^n-1} \leq \operatorname{GL}_n(2)$ (so, in particular, this action is faithful).

I actually conjecture it is trivial for every $n$, and I have checked small examples I was able to build in GAP.

I was wondering if there is any general result that I am not aware of that could be applied in this case. If I am not mistaken, each group I am considering is a metacyclic group, which I have seen described as an "easy case" for calculating Schur multiplier. Nevertheless, so far I only found results when the two cyclic groups are coprime, an hypothesis which clearly does not hold in general here (for instance $n=6$ has $C_{63} \rtimes C_3$).

Best Answer

I won't delete my earlier answer, but here is a much simpler proof that your groups have trivial Schur Multiplier. This follows from the fact that they have balanced $2$-generator $2$-relator presentations $$\langle x,y \mid yxy^{-1}=x^2,y^n=1 \rangle.$$ Note that the two relations in this presentation imply $x = y^nxy^{-n} = x^{2^n}$, so $x^{2^n-1} = 1$, and hence the presentation defines your semidirect product $C_{2^n-1} \rtimes C_n$.