Rule of Sum and Rule of Product


If adjacent regions should have different colors, how many ways can I have to color the regions with 4 different colors ? We do not need to use all four colors, yet each region is supposed to be colored by any of them.
I got the answer as 4!*4=96. But, I certainly feel that there are some same colors in neighboring regions and I have to minus it from the total number. I could not come up with any idea about finding same color in neighboring regions. I am trying to understand this concept. Could you please help me to understand this type of questions? Thanks in advance

a square is divided into four regions and each region has a different size

Best Answer

You have to break it up into cases, by considering the possible patterns of colors of colors.

First, you could color each region a different color. There are $4!$ ways to do this. Second, you could color the top and bottom the same color, and the left and right different colors. Again there are $24$ ways to do this. Also, you could color the left and right the same, and the op and bottome different, so that's another $24$.

Finally, you can color the top and bottom the same color, and and color both the left and right with a second color in $12$ ways.

That's all she wrote. $84$ ways in total.

I guess the thing to realize is that each region is adjacent to exactly two others, so it can only be colored the same as one other region.

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