RSA: Prove/disprove that $M_1^e\equiv M_2^e\ (\textrm{mod}\ n),$ given $M_1\not=M_2$

cryptographyelementary-number-theorymodular arithmetic

Given that $M_1\not=M_2, n=pq$ where $p,q$ are large primes and $\gcd(e,\varphi(n))=1$, how to prove/disprove that

$$M_1^e\equiv M_2^e\ (\textrm{mod}\ n)$$

is impossible? That is: I'm thinking about the case that two distinct messages $M_1,M_2$ has the same encrypted-text $C=M_1^e\mod n=M_2^e\mod n$.

I've tried a proof that using CRT and lead to a contradiction $M_1=M_2$ but it is a little bit complicated so I want to know is there any possible (simpler) alternatives.

Best Answer

I posted a proof here that RSA is a bijective map from $\mathbb{Z}_n$ to itself, provided that $(\phi(N),e) =1$, and where the message space is the set of classes modulo $N$, the modulus.

So if we assume (as we must) that we are working in that message set, the RSA mapping has an inverse (using the exponent $d$ as described) and is in particular injective.

I also use the CRT, but why not? It's a basic tool in number theory. It's not "complicated".

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