Row Echelon Form – Change of basis

abstract-algebralinear algebramatrices

Here is a row echelon form and original matrix:

My text says:

Our problem is to find bases for the column spaces of π‘ˆ and 𝐴. Those
spaces are different (just look at the matrices!) but their dimensions
are the same.

How come the spaces the matrix spans have changed? No combination of the columns of U will ever give me anything in the third entry like A's columns so how are these two equivalent?

The first and third columns of π‘ˆ are a basis for its column space.
They are the columns with pivots. Every other column is a combination
of those two. Furthermore, the same is true of the original 𝐴—even
though its columns are different. The pivot columns of 𝐴 are a basis
for its column space.

Has the basis of my matrix changed? Can anyone comment as to what happens to my original basis?

Best Answer

They are equivalent because$$\begin{bmatrix}1 & 0 & 0 \\ -2 & 1 & 0 \\ 5 & -2 & 1\end{bmatrix}.A=U.$$And there is no such thing as the basis of a matrix. What happens is that the span of the columns of $A$ has the same dimension as the span of the columns of $U$. But it is quit easy to see that the span of the columns of $U$ is the space spanned by its first and third columns. So both column spaces have dimension $2$.