Geometry – Rotation of a Lattice in Complex Analysis

complex numberscomplex-analysisgeometryinteger-lattices

Suppose we have a lattice of rank two $\Lambda$ of the complex plane $\mathbb{C}$ and a rotation, around $0$, that leaves the lattice invariant. I have read somewhere that then this rotation must have a trace that is an integer.

What I mean by this is that if $$\begin{pmatrix}
\cos\theta & -\sin\theta\\ \sin\theta&\cos\theta
\end{pmatrix}\begin{pmatrix}x\\y\end{pmatrix}, \theta \in[0,2\pi]$$

is the rotation around the origin of angle $\theta$ then $2\cos\theta $, which is the trace of the matrix of the rotation, must be an integer. This allows us to find all such rotations because $2\cos\theta$ is an integer only for $\theta= \pi/3, \pi/2, \pi, 2\pi/3$.

Now my question is why must the trace be an integer?

Best Answer

You can form a new basis $\{l_1,l_2\}$, (primitive lattice vectors), that spans $\Lambda$.

Then any vector in $\Lambda$ can be written as $$r=al_1+bl_2~\mid a,b\in\Bbb Z$$

Since the rotation matrix leaves the lattice invariant it has to have integer entries (since $a,b$ must be integers), in particular the trace is also an integer. Since the trace is invariant under a change of basis we have $$2\cos(\theta)\in\Bbb Z$$

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