Roots of unity in rings of algebraic integers


Context: Let $ K $ be an algebraic number field. Let $ O_K $ be the ring of integers of $ K $. Let $ O_K^\times $ denote the group of units of $ O_K $. By Dirichlet's unit theorem, $ O_K^\times $ is always a finitely generated abelian group. The torsion subgroup of $ O_K^\times $ is always a finite cyclic group and is exactly all the roots of unity that are in $ K $.

Question 1: Are there any well known sufficient conditions for $ O_K^\times $ to have free rank $ 0 $ (in other words, conditions implying $ O_K^\times $ finite) (Edit: By Dirichlet's unit theorem $ O_K^\times $ is finite if and only if $ K=\mathbb{Q} $ or $ K $ is an imaginary quadratic field, see comment from Lukas Heger)

Question 2: Are there any well known formulas for determining the largest $ d $ for which the root of unity $ \zeta_d $ exists in $ K $? (in other words, finding the order of $ Tor(O_K^\times) $)

Edit (just fleshing out the comment from Bart Michels): Since roots of unity are algebraic integers then all the roots of unity in an algebraic number field $ K $ are also in $ O_K $. Thus the $ w_K $ appearing in the class number formula denotes both the number of roots of unity in $ K $ and the number of roots of unity in $ O_K $.

Best Answer

Let $w$ be the number of roots of unity in $K$, so $w$ is even. If $p$ is a prime factor of $w$ then $\mathbf Q(\zeta_p) \subset K$. Since $(p) = (1-\zeta_p)^{p-1}$ in $\mathbf Z[\zeta_p]$, every prime $\mathfrak p$ over $p$ in $K$ ramifies when $p > 2$. Hence when a prime $\mathfrak p$ in $K$ is unramified and $\mathfrak p$ doesn't lie over $2$, $\mathfrak p \nmid (w)$. Then $x^w - 1 \bmod \mathfrak p$ is separable and splits completely, so $w \mid ({\rm N}(\mathfrak p)-1)$.

There is a converse result: if $d \mid ({\rm N}(\mathfrak p)-1)$ for all but finitely many unramified $\mathfrak p$, then $d \mid w$, so $w$ is the gcd of the integers ${\rm N}(\mathfrak p)-1$ as $\mathfrak p$ runs over any set of all but finitely many unramified primes in $K$. This may not look like a practical way of computing $w$, but if you can compute norms of prime ideals in $K$ then you can look at a large finite set of such numbers ${\rm N}(\mathfrak p) - 1$ to make a plausible guess at the gcd of all such numbers (with $\mathfrak p$ unramified and not lying over $2$) in order to guess a value for $w$.

Example. Take $K = \mathbf Q(i)$, for which $w = 4$. When $(\pi)$ is a prime in $\mathbf Q(i)$ other than $(1+i)$ then ${\rm N}(\pi)-1$ is divisible by $4$, either by a direct calculation (since ${\rm N}(\pi)$ is a prime that's $1 \bmod 4$ or is $p^2$ where $p \equiv 3 \bmod 4$) or because $\mathbf Z[i]/(\pi)$ is a field containing a primitive $4$th root of unity. If $(\pi)$ runs over all but finitely many primes in $\mathbf Q(i)$ other than $(1+i)$ then it can be proved that the numbers ${\rm N}(\pi)-1$ have gcd $4$. This generalizes the fact that if $m \geq 2$ then and $p$ runs over all but finitely many primes that are $1 \bmod m$, then the numbers $p-1$ have gcd $m$ (proved by Dirichlet's theorem).

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