Roll a die 10 times. the probability that the number of ones and sixes equals four


Suppose a die is tossed 10 times. Let $X$ be the number of ones and let $Y$ be the number of sixes.

How would you find the probability that $P\left(X+Y=4\right)$?

My attempt so far:

Applying the Binomial Distribution, I can find the probability that $X$ or $Y$ equals $4$, but I do not know how to put these pieces together to find $P\left(X+Y=4\right)$.

Best Answer

alternative approach

$E$ is the event of a 1 or a 6

$p(E) = 1/3$.

Let $p = 1/3.$

Let $q = 1 - p$.

General formula for exactly $k$ successes in $n$ tries, where
$n \in \mathbb{Z^+}$ and $k \in \{0,1,\cdots, n\}$ is


Here, $n=10$ and $k=4.$