Role of the weight matrix $M$ in $x^T M u$ in the LQR cost function

control theoryoptimal controloptimization

I wonder what the role of the weight matrix $M$ is in the performance index

$$J = \int_0^{t_f}{\left( x^T Q x + u^T R u + x^T M u \right) \mathrm d t}$$

for an optimal control problem where $$\dot x=Ax+Bu$$ where $u$ is the design variable. Specifically, I mean the qualitative effect of such a weight matrix in the resulting controlled problem. How does it affect the performance of the controller and the stability of the closed-loop system?

Best Answer

I think that this performance index is used when, in addition to minimizing the states and the control signal (represented in the terms $x^TQx$ and $u^TRu$), one is also interested in minimizing some output signal $$ y = Cx + Du.$$ for safety or hard constraints for example (or tracking an output--- this depends on the nature of the used model).

In this case, expanding the weighted norm $y^TNy$, for some positive definite matrix $N$, usually results in cross terms between $x$ and $u$ (which is represented by $x^TMu$).

You can look at this situation as follows: we are not interested only in minimizing a norm of the state and a norm of the inputs, individually, for the usual known reasons, but also we are interested in minimizing linear functions of both $x$ and $u$. In this case you may write the performance index in terms of a single term $$ \begin{bmatrix}x^T& u^T \end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}Q & \frac{1}{2}M\\ \frac{1}{2}M^T & R \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix}x\\ u \end{bmatrix}.$$ In otherwords, we work with a concatinated vector $ z:=\begin{bmatrix}x\\ u \end{bmatrix}$, and we are interested in minimizing a weighted norm$\|z\|_S$.

In the stochastic case, this will correspond to minimizing the error variance in the output signal. Note that the output signal does not have to be given as a state (because states in many models are not even physical and they cannot be measured)

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