Rohlin lemma for aperiodic atomless invertible measure preserving systems

dynamical systemsergodic-theorylebesgue-measuremeasure-theorysolution-verification

In "Ergodic theory with a view towards number theory" we are asked to show Rohlins lemma holds for aperiodic atomless invertible measure preserving systems.

Not only I can't find a proof, I even don't understand why the following is not a counterexample.

I will build a aperiodic atomless invertible measure preserving system satisfying that there is no nonempty $E$ with $E,T(E)$ disjoint which will cause a contradiction.

First I will give a failed counter-example that will fail being atomless-

A copy of $Z$ with the shift map, the only measureable sets being everything or nothing. Call this the trivial sigma algebra.

To upgrade this to being atomless we consider $[0,1]\times Z$, the sigma algebra is the product sigma algebra of the standard Lebesgue and the trivial sigma algebra. $T$ works by shifting the $Z$ part.

This clearly preserves measure, is atomless since we just think of this as $[0,1]$, is aperiodic, and clearly $E,T(E)$ can't be disjoint.

What am I missing?

Best Answer

You are missing a hypothesis.

In Rokhlin's Lemma, the hypothesis is that you are working with a standard measure space, which your counterexample is not.

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