Ring of endomorphisms of a simple module is a field.


I am a beginner in Module theory. One of the problems in Artin's "Algebra" book ask to prove the following:

Prove that the ring of endomorphisms of a simple module is a field.

My attempt:

I can easily sho it is a Division ring using Schur's Lemma. But how to show it is a commutative ring or it is a type in question.

Thanks for any insight!!

Best Answer

It can very easily verified that every non-zero endomorphism $\varphi$ over simple $R$-module $M$ is bijective.

Because these two holds...

$$0\le\ker\varphi\ne M, 0\ne\mathrm{im}\varphi\le M$$ and $R$-sumbodule of $M$ is only $0, M$.

But it is not a field. If $R$ is non-commutative, then there exists $a,b\in R$ such that $ab\ne ba$, and $L_a, L_b:M\to M$ such that $L_a(m)=am, L_b(m)=bm$ are not commutative.

When $R$ is commutative, then there exists maximal ideal $m$ such that $M\cong\frac Rm$ by this. And $\frac Rm$ is field!

Every endomorphism over field is $L(x)=kx$ form. And left is easy to verify.

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