Ring homomorphism $f$ from field to non-trivial ring where $\operatorname{Im}(f)$ is not the zero ring


When I looked at the wikipedia page about ring homomorphisms (here) I noticed the following statement:

Let $f:R\to S$ be a ring homomorphism.

If $R$ is a field, $S$ is not the zero ring, and $\operatorname{Im}(f)$ is not the zero
ring then $f$ is injective.

My question is why the fact that $\operatorname{Im}(f)$ is not the zero ring is required as I don't see where this would be used in a proof.

Best Answer

This is just an error in the Wikipedia page; the assumption that the image is not the zero ring is unnecessary. If ring homomorphisms are not defined to be unital (that is, $f(1)=1$), then it is necessary, since otherwise $f$ could just map everything to $0$. However, the Wikipedia page does define ring homomorphisms to be unital, so this is not an issue.