Rig in which + distributes over *


Let $A$ be a commutative rig (ring without additive inverses). Suppose that addition in $A$ distributes over multiplication in $A$, so that $A$ is a rig in $2$ ways, depending on which operation we think of as the multiplication.

Question: Are all such rigs distributive lattices?

This question is interesting to me because it contends to show a special property of distributive lattices: that they are precisely the sets with $2$ commutative monoidal operations which distribute over each other.

Note that it suffices to show that $\forall a \in A : a^2 = a$ and $\forall a \in A : a +a =a$.

Edit: One answer has shown that without a unit for $+$ and $\cdot$, my note above does not hold, and the answer is also false. I should have stated which meaning of "lattice" I am using, namely that a lattice is a poset with finite meets and joins, including the empty meet and empty join.

Best Answer

Distributivity of addition over multiplication says $$a+bc=(a+b)(a+c)$$ for any $a,b,c$. Setting $b=c=0$ gives $a=a^2$. Setting $b=0$ and $c=1$ gives $a=a(a+1)=a^2+a=a+a$.

(Alternatively, assuming that by "addition distributing over multiplication" you include the case of nullary multiplication where it says $a+1=1$, then you can deduce $a=a+a$ by just dualizing the argument for $a=a^2$. Actually, though, that nullary case does not have to be assumed, since it follows automatically. Indeed, setting $a=1$ and $c=0$ in $a+bc=(a+b)(a+c)$ gives $1=(1+b)1=1+b$ for arbitrary $b$.)

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