Rescaling of a Riemmannian metric


I have an issue with an exercise that concerns the behaviour of Riemannian metrics under rescaling.

enter image description here

My issue lies with b). The curvature tensor can be represented in local coordinates as

\tilde{R}^s_{ijk}=\partial_i (\tilde{\Gamma}^s_{jk})
+\sum_l \tilde{\Gamma}^l_{jk} \tilde{\Gamma}^s_{il}
-\partial_j (\tilde{\Gamma}^s_{ik})
-\sum_l \tilde{\Gamma}^l_{ik} \tilde{\Gamma}^s_{jl}.

For the Christoffel Symbols I have found that $\tilde{\Gamma}^k_{ij}=\lambda \Gamma^k_{ij}$. So an application of the product rule yields

(\partial_i (\Gamma^s_{jk})
+\lambda \sum_l \Gamma^l_{jk} \Gamma^s_{il}
-\partial_j (\Gamma^s_{ik})
– \lambda \sum_l \tilde{\Gamma}^l_{ik} \Gamma^s_{jl})

I am dissatisfied with this result as I would have expected that there would be some sort of relation between $\tilde{R}^s_{ijk}$ and $R^s_{ijk}$. So I am wondering whether there is an error in this.

\Edit: The Christoffel symbols can be computed with the Christoffel formula

=\frac{1}{2} (\partial_i \tilde{g}(\partial_j, \partial_k))
+\partial_j \tilde{g}(\partial_k, \partial_i)
-\partial_k \tilde{g}(\partial_i,\partial_j))

Since $\lambda$ is a constant factor, we have

\partial_i \tilde{g}(\partial_j, \partial_k)
=\lambda \partial_i g(\partial_j, \partial_k)

and analogously for the other summands. So $\tilde{\Gamma}^k_{ij}=\lambda \Gamma^k_{ij}$.

Best Answer

Let $\tilde \nabla$ be the Levi-Civita connection for $(M,\tilde g)$. Using the definition of the LC connection on a Riemannian manifold as the unique affine connection that is compatible with the metric and symmetric, this suggests we look at these relations for $(\tilde \nabla,\tilde g)$ more closely. By the definition of metric compatibility, we have \begin{align*} \tilde\nabla \tilde g(X,Y) &= \tilde g(\tilde\nabla X,Y) + \tilde g(X,\tilde\nabla Y),\\ \text{hence} \quad \lambda \big[\tilde\nabla g(X,Y)\big] &= \lambda \big[ g(\tilde\nabla X,Y) + g(X,\tilde\nabla Y)\big],\\ \text{therefore,} \quad \tilde\nabla g(X,Y) &= g(\tilde\nabla X,Y) + g(X,\tilde\nabla Y). \end{align*} Thus we see $\tilde\nabla$ is compatible with $g$. Since $\tilde \nabla$ is symmetric by definition, we see that $\tilde\nabla$ satisfies the defining properties of the LC connection $\nabla$ for $(M,g)$, and hence $$\tilde \nabla = \nabla.$$

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