Represent the following sentences in first order logic.

discrete mathematicsfirst-order-logiclogicpredicate-logicpropositional-calculus

Q) Represent the following sentences in first order logic is this the right?

1) John is intelligent than all other student in his class.

FOL: ∀X∶Student(X)→Intelligent(john,X)

2) Neiher Alex nor John is unhappy.

FOL: ¬(happy(alex) ∨ happy(john))

3) Some dogs are domestic pets. (which one is correct)

FOL: i) ∃X∶Dog(X)→DomesticPets(X) (or)

ii) ∃X∶(Dogs(X) ∧ DomesticPets(X))

4) Some turtles are faster than rabbits.

FOL: ∃X∶Turtle(X) ∧ Rabbit(Y)→faster(X,Y)

Best Answer

  • Some dogs are domestic pets. Should be the second one $$ ∃X∶\text{Dogs(X)} ∧ \text{DomesticPets(X)}$$ To see why it's not the first one, apply distributive law of $\exists$ over $\to$ we have \begin{align} &∃X∶\text{Dog(X)}→\text{DomesticPets(X)}\\ \equiv&\forall X:\text{Dog(X)}→\exists X:\text{DomesticPets(X)} \end{align} It basicly means if everything are dog, then something is a DomesticPet, clearly isn't what we want to say.
  • Some turtles are faster than rabbits. Same mistake: \begin{align} &∃X∶\text{Turtle(X)} ∧ \text{Rabbit(Y)}→\text{faster(X,Y)}\\ \equiv&\forall X∶\text{Turtle(X)} ∧ \text{Rabbit(Y)}→\exists X:\text{faster(X,Y)} \end{align} That is if everything are Tutle and $Y$ is Rabbit, then $\dots$ just make no sense. Instead we write $$\exists X:\text{Turtle(X)} ∧ \forall Y:\text{Rabbit(Y)}\to\text{faster(X,Y)}$$ This is some Turtle faster than all the rabbits.