Repetitive 1-9 pow last digit

elementary-number-theorypower seriestotient-function

So i'm pretty bad at math, but trying to solve this programming problem where there are an N amount of power values in the range of 1-9 and the last number has to be found. I have checked multiple threads here and also and Euler Totient function. However, the truth is that i'm kinda stupid, i can do some solid head calculations up to 5 digit numbers squared. But when it comes to advanced math.. i'm way behind. So could possibly anyone out there explain to me how this works?

To be more specific:
lets take $9^{4^{2^{3^5}}}$

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TLDR; Can someone explain how to get last digit of $9^{4^{2^{3^5}}}$ for person that is pretty bad at math?

Best Answer

It's a bit unclear to me what you mean by "problem where there are an N amount of power values in the range of 1-9 and the last number has to be found". Is this to say you're dealing with a power tower of integers in the range 1-9?

In any case, to find the last digit of $9^{4^{2^{3^5}}}$, we want to "reduce it mod $10$". First, some notation. \begin{equation*} a \equiv b \pmod{10} \end{equation*} means that "$a$ is congruent to $b$ modulo $10$". This means that they differ by a multiple of $10$, or equivalently, they leave the same remainder when divided by $10$. Hopefully you agree that if some integer \begin{equation*} n \equiv 3 \pmod{10} \end{equation*} then the last digit of $n$ must be $3$.

Now, we also have that if $a \equiv b \pmod{10}$ and $c \equiv d \pmod{10}$, then $ac \equiv bd \pmod{10}$. Maybe this is obvious to you already, if not, you can prove it from the "differ by a multiple of $10$" definition. Using this, any power of $9$ is congruent to $-1$ raised to that same exponent. So \begin{equation*} 9^{4^{2^{3^5}}} \equiv (-1)^{4^{2^{3^5}}} \pmod{10} \end{equation*} But the value of $(-1)^{4^{2^{3^5}}}$ just depends on whether $4^{2^{3^5}}$ is even or odd. Since this is some power of $4$, which is even, it is clearly even (since it is not $4^0$), so $(-1)^{4^{2^{3^5}}} = 1$, so the last digit of $9^{4^{2^{3^5}}}$ is $1$.

An alternative approach would just be to look at powers of $9$ mod $10$, and notice that they are congruent to $1$, $9$, $1$, $9$, ... and take it from there.

To generalise this approach for some kind of program requires looking at the periodicity of the powers of the base modulo $10$, and then recursing into the power tower to reduce the subtower modulo the period of the powers of the base. (Particularly, not all numbers are as nice as $9$, which only has period $2$)

Proof of $a \equiv b \pmod{10}$ and $c \equiv d \pmod{10} \implies ac \equiv bd \pmod{10}$.

Have $a = b + 10n$, $c = d + 10m$ for some $n, m \in \mathbb Z$ by definition.. Then \begin{align*} ac &= (b + 10n)(d + 10n) \\ &= bd + 10(n + m + 10nm) \\ &\equiv bd \pmod{10} \quad \text{by definition} \end{align*}

Proof of $a \equiv b \pmod{10} \implies a^n \equiv b^n \pmod{10}$:

The base case $n = 0$ is trivially true. Then \begin{align*} a^{n + 1} &\equiv a \cdot a^n \\ &\equiv b \cdot a^n \quad \text{by assumption} \\ &\equiv b \cdot b^n \quad \text{by inductive hypothesis} \\ &\equiv b^{n + 1} \end{align*}

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