Removing egdes connecting a vertex with vertices of higher (or same) degree

graph theory

Suppose you have a graph on vertices $v_1, v_2, v_3, …, v_n$.

Now, an operation starts.

Step 1: remove all edges $v_1v_k$ for such k that $deg(v_k) \ge deg(v_1)$

Step 2: remove all edges $v_2 v_k$ for such k that $deg(v_k) \ge deg(v_2)$ (here, $deg(v_i)$ denotes degree of $v_i$ in the graph obtained on step 1, not in the original graph. Also, $v_2v_1=v_1v_2$)

And so on until step n.

Question: Is it true that after such procedure the remaining graph will contain an isolated vertex?

I have no idea how to prove or disprove this, as the procedure is quite complicated. It is obviously true for trees (as they contain a vertex of degree 1) and complete graphs.

False proof: if $deg(v_i) \le deg(v_j)$ in the original graph, the edge $v_iv_j$ will be removed on step i, so all vertices will be isolated.

Why it is false: before we arrive to step i, $deg(v_i)$ and $deg(v_j)$ may change, so the edge may remain.

The idea of using the vertex of minimal degree fails for the same reason: when we consider step corresponding to that vertex, it can already be non-minimal (as a consequence of previous steps)

Any hints are welcome.

By the way, here's a code for Wolfram Mathematica to check this for a random graph with 10 vertices and 40 edges (I didn't find counterexamples, but may be the code is flawed?) [Be wary, if you want to change 10 to something else, it should be done in three places (in the beginning and in the cycles' conditions )] :

g = RandomGraph[{10, 40}, VertexLabels -> Placed[Automatic, Center], VertexSize -> .5];
gg = g

For[i = 1, i < 11, i++, For[j = 1, j < 11, j++, If[i != j  && MemberQ[EdgeList[g], Min[i, j] \[UndirectedEdge] Max[j, i]] && VertexDegree[g, j] >= VertexDegree[g, i], g = EdgeDelete[g, Min[i, j] \[UndirectedEdge] Max[j, i]], ]]]

Best Answer

A quick run with Sage found easily some counter-examples for your conjecture, on 10 vertices.

enter image description here

It has degree sequence $[7, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 3]$. After applying your algorithm, we end up with

enter image description here

Here is my code for information

def find_counter_test(nb_tries):
    for tries in range(nb_tries):
        G_init = G.copy()
        for i in range(n):
            di =
            for j in range(n):
                if dj>=di:
        if min_deg > 0:

Here is the full details of the operations,step by step.

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here