Removing countable no. of lines from $R^3 $


What will happen to connectedness after removing countable no. of lines from $ R^3$. Will it be connected or will it be disconnected?

I had read that removing finite number of points from $R^2$ is still connected. But I am unable to get any proof for this fact.

How do I prove/disprove it?


Choose two points in $R^3$, say $a, b \in \mathbb{R} ^3$
Then there are uncountably many spherical surfaces passing through those two points. Now any straight line and a sphere intersect in atmost two points. Hence there exists a sphere containing the two points but not any lines which has been deleted.
So join those two points by a continous map, which exists as spheres are connected.
Hence it is Path Connected, and hence connected. Hence proved.

Best Answer

Proposition 1. If $X$ is a countable set of points in the plane $M$, then $M\setminus X$ is pathwise connected.

Proof. Consider two (distinct) points $P_1,P_2\in M\setminus X$. Choose a line $L_1$ in $M$ which goes through $P_1$ and does not go through any point of $X$. Choose a line $L_2$ in $M$ which goes through $P_2$ and does not go through any point of $X$ and is not parallel to $L_1$. The lines $L_1$ and $L_2$ meet in a point $Q$. The broken line $P_1QP_2$ provides a continuous path from $P_1$ to $P_2$ in $M\setminus X$.

Proposition 2. If $X$ is a subset of $\mathbb R^3$ which is the union of countably many lines $L_1,L_2,\dots$, then $\mathbb R^3\setminus X$ is pathwise connected.

Proof. Consider two (distinct) points $P_1,P_2\in\mathbb R^3\setminus X$. Choose a plane $M$ in $\mathbb R^3$ which contains the points $P_1$ and $P_2$ and does not contain any of the lines $L_1,L_2,\dots$. Thus $M$ meets each of those lines in at most one point, so the set $M\cap X$. is countable. Now $M\setminus X$ is a subset of $\mathbb R^3\setminus X$ containing $P_1$ and $P_2$, and is pathwise connected by Proposition 1.