Remainder on division with $22$

binomial theoremdivisibilityelementary-number-theorymodular arithmeticnumber theory

What is the remainder obtained when $14^{16}$ is divided with $22$?

Is there a general method for this, without using number theory? I wish to solve this question using binomial theorem only – maybe expressing the numerator as a summation in which most terms are divisible by $22$, except the remainder?

How should I proceed?

Best Answer

You can use binomial expansions and see that $$14^{16} = (22 - 8)^{16}$$ implies that the remainder is just the remainder when $(-8)^{16}( = 8^{16})$ is divided by $22.$ Proceeding similarly,

$8^{16} = 64^8 = (66 - 2)^8 \implies 2^8 = 256 \text{ divided by } 22 \implies \text{remainder = 14}$

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