Relationship between weak topology and Gelfand topology (Banach space theory)


I don't have much background in functional analysis, so wanted to check whether my thinking about the weak topology and Gelfand topology is correct when it comes to C* algebras/Banach spaces.
My understanding is that:

  • The weak topology is defined on a Banach space $X$, and is the weakest topology such that every element of the dual space $f\in X^*$ is continuous.
  • On the other hand the Gelfand topology is defined on commutative C* algebras (which are Banach spaces)- say the algebra A- and is such that the subspace of the double dual A** corresponding to the bounded linear maps $\hat{x}:S(A)\rightarrow \mathbb{C}$ where $S(A)$ is the space of all continuous homomorphisms of A, $\phi : A \rightarrow C$, $\phi(ab)=\phi(a)\phi(b)$, with the maps defined using the canonical isomorphism $\hat{x}(\phi)=\phi(x)$, every such map $\hat{x}$ in this subspace of A** is continuous.

Thus, it seems to me that the Gelfand topology is contained in the weak topology, and as such is weaker. Because it only requires a subspace of the double dual A** to be continuous, when acting on a subspace of A*. Namely the subspace of linear homomorphisms of A, and not merely the linear functionals on A.

Best Answer

These two things do not really mix much. The weak topology is defined on a topological vector space: you need a vector space to be able to define linear functionals. The weak$^*$ topology makes sense only on duals.

The Gelfand topology is used to give a topology to the set of characters of an abelian C$^*$-algebra $A$ (it can be done for a Banach algebra, too). What you do is you consider the characters as a subset $\Sigma$ (not a subspace!) of the dual $A^*$ of $A$, and you endow $\Sigma$ with the relative weak$^*$-topology (which is simply pointwise convergence).

The weak$^*$ topology is nice because it makes closed balls compact, which is often very useful. In particular it makes $\Sigma$ above compact when it's closed (which is precisely when $A$ is unital), and locally compact in general.

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