Relationship between a basis and its dual basis

linear algebra

Let $V$ be a finite dimensional vector space. Does every basis $\gamma=\{\text{f}_1,\cdots,\text{f}_n\}\in V^*$ correspond to a unique collection $\beta\subset V$ such that (1) $\beta$ is a basis for $V$, and (2) $\gamma$ is the dual basis of $\beta$? Worded slightly differently, if we show that a collection $\beta=\{x_1,\cdots,x_n\}\subset V$ satisfies $\text{f}_i(x_j)=\delta_{ij}$, are we guaranteed that $\beta$ is the unique basis such that $\gamma$ is its dual basis? Is there a bijection between the collection of bases of $V$ and the collection of bases of $V^*$ where bases are matched with their dual bases?

The corollary to Theorem 2.26 in Friedberg, Insel & Spence's fifth edition of "Linear Algebra" says that every ordered basis for $V^*$ is the dual basis for some basis for $V$, and I am unsure about the exact relationships that exist.

Best Answer

Everything you said is correct, but the fact that the dimension of $V$ is finite is crucial, for it says that the map $$V \ni v \mapsto (f \mapsto f(v))\in V^{**}$$is an isomorphism.

If $B$ is a basis for $V$, one constructs the associated dual basis $B^*$. Repeating this process with $V^*$ and $B^*$ playing the roles of $V$ and $B$ gives us the dual basis $B^{**}$ of $B^*$, in $V^{**}$. Hit this basis $B^{**}$ with the isomorphism $V^{**}\to V$. You get, wait for it... that's right, $B$.

So there is a "natural" (in a very precise categorical meaning) correspondence between bases for $V$ and bases for $V^*$.