Relations between Bessel functions

bessel functionscomplex-analysisfunctional-analysisordinary differential equations

Consider the following two couples of functions:

The second couple is used for the general solution of the modified Bessel (homogenous) differential equation:

$$f(x) = A I_{\nu}(x) + B K_{\nu} (x) \label{a} \tag{1}$$

But the same general solution can still be written in terms of the first couple as

$$g(x) = C J_{\nu}(ix) + D N_{\nu} (ix) \label{b} \tag{2}$$

where $i$ is the imaginary unit, according to the definition itself of the modified Bessel differential equation.

Which coefficients $C, D$ must be given to the functions in $\ref{b}$ in order to obtain the solution $\ref{a}$?

$C = i^{-\nu}$ immediately leads to $I_{\nu}(x)$, but I can not figure out how to proceed about the remaining part, not knowing a direct relationship between $K_{\nu}$ and $N_{\nu}$.

From an alternative perspective:

The linearly independent functions $I_{\nu}(x)$ and $K_{\nu}(x)$ generate the space of solutions of a modified Bessel differential equation. But also the linearly independent functions $J_{\nu}(ix)$ and $N_{\nu}(ix)$ generate the same space of solutions.

Can, then, the couple of functions $I_{\nu}(x)$, $K_{\nu}(x)$ be expressed in terms of $J_{\nu}(ix)$, $N_{\nu}(ix)$? If not, why?

If this were linear algebra, the answer would be yes. What instead about functional analysis?

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