Relation between line bundles over $\mathbb{P}^1$ in geometry and topology


For an algebraic geometry assignment I recently had to prove that the isomorphism classes of line bundles over $\mathbb{P}_k^n$ for any field $k$ are the powers of the tautological line bundle, or in other words the Picard group is given by Pic($\mathbb{P}_k^n) \cong \mathbb{Z}$. I was trying to consider simple examples to reconcile this with my intuition about line bundles from algebraic topology.

Taking $k = \mathbb{R}$ and $n = 1$, we have Pic($\mathbb{RP}^1) \cong \mathbb{Z}$. Naively, I might have thought that since $\mathbb{RP}^1 \cong S^1$, there would be only the two isomorphism classes of (topological) line bundles over the circle. I was wondering: what are the relations between line bundles in algebraic geometry and topology in this case, and why the discrepancy?

I figure maybe the real numbers are not a very well behaved field in algebraic geometry. If $k = \mathbb{C}$ and we again take $n = 1$, do the classifications of bundles match up on $\mathbb{CP}^1 \cong S^2$ in the geometric and topological contexts?

Best Answer

You need to be careful what kind of $\mathrm{Pic}$ you are talking about!

The point is that if $X/\mathbb{R}$ is a finite type $\mathbb{C}$-scheme then $X(\mathbb{R})$ (resp. $X(\mathbb{C})$) is a real (resp. complex) manifold (the former being only 'locally a manifold' depending on what sort of axioms of a point-set topological nature you impose). This then allows you to define maps

$$\mathrm{Pic}_\mathrm{alg}(X)\to \mathrm{Pic}_\mathrm{smooth}(X(\mathbb{R}))\to\mathrm{Pic}_{\mathrm{cont.}}(X(\mathbb{R}))\qquad (1)$$

and maps

$$\mathrm{Pic}_\mathrm{alg}(X_\mathbb{C})\to \mathrm{Pic}_{\mathrm{hol.}}(X(\mathbb{C}))\to\mathrm{Pic}_{\mathrm{cont.}}(X(\mathbb{C}))\qquad (2)$$

But, in general, these maps needn't all be isomorphisms!

For example if $M$ is a smooth real manifold then there is actually an isomorphism

$$\mathrm{Pic}_\mathrm{smooth}(M)\xrightarrow{\approx}\mathrm{Pic}_{\mathrm{cont.}}(M)\cong H^1_\mathrm{sing}(M,\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z})$$

The latter isomorphism comes from the fact that the classifying space of continuous real line bundles is $\mathbb{RP}^\infty$ which is a $K(\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z},1)$. The former isomorphism can be thought about in two ways:

  1. The fact that we have smooth approximation for maps $M\to \mathbb{RP}^\infty$
  2. The fact that smooth real line bundles should be classified by $\mathcal{O}_M^\times$. There is then a SES $$0\to \mathcal{O}_M\to \mathcal{O}_M^\times\to \underline{\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}}\to 0$$ of sheaves and the fact that $H^1(M,\mathcal{O}_M)=H^2(M,\mathcal{O}_M)=0$ because the sheaves $\mathcal{O}_M$ are so-called 'fine' (and so are acyclic).

From this we see that we can refine $(1)$ to

$$\mathrm{Pic}_\mathrm{alg}(X)\to \mathrm{Pic}_\mathrm{smooth}(X(\mathbb{R}))\xrightarrow{\approx}\mathrm{Pic}_{\mathrm{cont.}}(X(\mathbb{R}))$$

but this former map needn't be an isomorphism. As you pointed out, if $X=\mathbb{P}^1_\mathbb{R}$ then this fomer map is

$$\mathrm{Pic}_\mathrm{alg.}(\mathbb{P}^1_\mathbb{R})\cong \mathbb{Z}\to\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}= \mathrm{Pic}_{\mathrm{smooth}}(\mathbb{RP}^1)$$

where explicitly the map takes $\mathcal{O}(n)$ to the trivial bundle if $n$ is even and the Mobius bundle if $n$ is odd! The point being that while the algebraic structures on $\mathcal{O}$ and $\mathcal{O}(2n)$ (as well as $\mathcal{O}(1)$ and $\mathcal{O}(2n+1)$) are not algebraically equivalent, they are smoothly equivalently. Try it for yourself with overlap maps $x$ and $x^3$!

In the $\mathbb{C}$-case if you assume that $X$ is, in addition, proper then you actually get an isomorphism


this follows from Serre's GAGA results. Moreover, we can describe the map $\mathrm{Pic}_{\mathrm{hol.}}(X(\mathbb{C}))\to \mathrm{Pic}_{\mathrm{cont.}}(X(\mathbb{C}))$ quite nicely. Namely, the complex continuous line bundles on $X(\mathbb{C})$ can be described as $H^2_\mathrm{sing}(X,\mathbb{C})$. Again, the reason for this is that the classifying space of complex line bundles is $\mathbb{CP}^\infty$ which is a $K(\mathbb{Z},2)$. The holomorphic line bundles on $X(\mathbb{C})$ are classified by $H^1(X(\mathbb{C}),\mathcal{O}_{X(\mathbb{C})}^\times)$. The connection between the two is given by the exponential sequence

$$0\to \underline{\mathbb{Z}}\to \mathcal{O}_{X(\mathbb{C})}\to\mathcal{O}_{X(\mathbb{C})}^\times\to 0$$

where the second map is $f\mapsto \exp(2\pi i f)$. Taking the long exact sequence in cohomology we get (part of the ) long exact exponential sequence

$$H^1_\mathrm{sing}(X,\mathbb{Z})\to H^1(X(\mathbb{C}),\mathcal{O}_{X(\mathbb{C})})\to H^1(X(\mathbb{C}),\mathcal{O}_X^\times)\to H^2_\mathrm{sing}(X(\mathbb{C}),\mathbb{Z})\to H^2(X(\mathbb{C}),\mathcal{O}_{X(\mathbb{C})})$$

And, in fact, the natural diagram

$$\begin{matrix}\mathrm{Pic}_{\mathrm{hol.}}(X(\mathbb{C})) & \to & \mathrm{Pic}_{\mathrm{cont.}}(X(\mathbb{C})\\ \downarrow & & \downarrow\\ H^1(X(\mathbb{C}),\mathcal{O}_{X(\mathbb{C})}^\times) & \to & H^2_\mathrm{sing}(X(\mathbb{C}),\mathbb{Z})\end{matrix}$$

commutes with the vertical maps being isomorphisms. This map is called the Chern class of an algebraic/holomorphic line bundle.

So, if $X$ is a smooth projective (geometrically) connected curve of genus $g$ we see that the map

$$\mathrm{Pic}_{\mathrm{alg.}}(X(\mathbb{C}))\to \mathrm{Pic}_{\mathrm{cont.}}(X(\mathbb{C}))$$

is surjective with kernel a quotient of a vector space of dimension $g$. So, if $X=\mathbb{P}^1_\mathbb{R}$ the kernel is trivial and we get the desired isomorphism

$$\mathrm{Pic}_{\mathrm{alg.}}(\mathbb{P}^1_\mathbb{C})\cong \mathrm{Pic}_{\mathrm{cont.}}(X(\mathbb{C}))\cong H^2(\mathbb{CP}^1,\mathbb{Z})\cong \mathbb{Z}$$

In fact, what's generally true is that if $X/\mathbb{R}$ is a smooth projective (geometrically) connected curve then the (portion of )the long exact exponental sequence can be written

$$\begin{matrix}H^1_\mathrm{sing}(X(\mathbb{C}),\mathbb{Z}) & \to & H^1(X(\mathbb{C}),\mathcal{O}_{X(\mathbb{C})}) & \to & \mathrm{Pic}(X_\mathbb{C}) & \to & H^2(X(\mathbb{C}),\mathbb{Z}) & \to & H^2(X(\mathbb{C}),\mathcal{O}_{X(\mathbb{C})})\\ \downarrow & & \downarrow & & & &\downarrow & & \downarrow\\ \mathbb{Z}^{2g} & &\mathbb{C}^g & & & & \mathbb{Z} & & 0\end{matrix}$$

And, if you take it on faith (this is the beginning of Hodge theory!) that $\mathbb{Z}^{2g}$ is embedded into $\mathbb{C}^g$ as a lattice, then we see that we get a short exact sequence

$$0\to \mathbb{C}^g/\mathbb{Z}^{2g}\to \mathrm{Pic}(X_\mathbb{C})\to \mathbb{Z}\to 0$$

so that $\mathrm{Pic}(X_\mathbb{C})$ looks like a disconnected complex Lie group with component group $\mathbb{Z}$ and identity component an abelian variety (i.e. a compact complex Lie group). This identity component is called the Jacobian of $X_\mathbb{C}$ and is denoted $\mathrm{Jac}(X_\mathbb{C})$. The map from $$\mathrm{Pic}(X_\mathbb{C})\to \mathbb{Z}=\pi_0(\mathrm{Pic}(X_\mathbb{C}))$$ is just the degree map. Of course, since $\mathbb{Z}$ is projective and discrete this sequence non-canonically splits to give you that $\mathrm{Pic}(X_\mathbb{C})\cong \mathrm{Jac}(X_\mathbb{C})\times\mathbb{Z}$.

For example, if you take $X=E$ an elliptic curve, then it turns out that $\mathrm{Jac}(E_\mathbb{C})\cong E_\mathbb{C}$!

All of this then starts the fascinating journey into the Albanese variety/Picard scheme of a smooth proper scheme!

The last thing I'll say that is that, in some sense, the algebraic bundles on $X/\mathbb{R}$ smooth projective are much more closely related to the holomorphic bundles on $X(\mathbb{C})$ than the continuous bundles on $X(\mathbb{R})$! In fact, there's the so-called 'Picard-Brauer sequence' which contains the terms

$$0\to \mathrm{Pic}(X)\to \mathrm{Pic}(X_\mathbb{C})^{\mathrm{Gal}(\mathbb{C}/\mathbb{R})}\to \mathrm{Br}(\mathbb{R})(\cong\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z})$$

From this we see that the algebraic bundles on $X$ embed into the algebraic bundles on $X_\mathbb{C}$ (which is equal to the holomorphic bundles on $X(\mathbb{C})$) and that up to a $\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$-term they exactly hit the Galois invariants of the algebraic bundles on $X_\mathbb{C}$.

In the case of $X=\mathbb{P}^1_\mathbb{R}$ this sequence is not very interesting. It looks like

$$0\to \mathbb{Z}\to\mathbb{Z}\to \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$$

where the map $\mathbb{Z}\to\mathbb{Z}$ is an isomorphism and the map $\mathbb{Z}\to\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$ is trivial.

But, if instead of $\mathbb{P}^1_\mathbb{R}$ you took it's only non-trivial twist $X:=V(x^2+y^2+z^2)\subseteq\mathbb{P}^2_\mathbb{R}$ then your sequence actually looks like

$$0\to 2\mathbb{Z}\to \mathbb{Z}\to \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}\to 0$$

The point being that if you take any degree $2$-point on $X$ then $\mathrm{Pic}(X)\cong \{\mathcal{O}(np):n\in\mathbb{Z}\}$. But, since $p$ is a point of degree $2$ when you base change to $\mathbb{C}$ you get that $p$ splits into two points--$q_0$ and its Galois conjugate $\sigma(q_0)$ so that $\mathcal{O}(p)$ maps to $\mathcal{O}(q_0)\otimes \mathcal{O}(\sigma(q_0))\cong \mathcal{O}(2)$.

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