Reimann Sums rectangle height location

riemann sum

My math teacher was teaching us Riemann Sums a few days back, and how if you estimate the height of the rectangle to be at the upper/lower, as n approaches infinity, the area becomes exact.

But what I don't understand is why uppers/lowers matter at all. If I was to compute the Riemann sum of $F(x) = x^2$ in the bound $[0,5]$, I can do so rather easily with the upper limit of the rectangles. Why do I need to know the lower limit of the rectangles in the first place, then? To me, I feel like it's resulting in the same thing overall, so it's just another way to find things that's merely more complex.

Also, what about midpoint Riemann sums? If I already have 2 ways to find the area under a curve (which will soon be useless since definite integration is so much easier), why do I need yet another, more complex way to find it? Am I missing out on a drastic concept here that I need to know, or are these just kinda extra?

Best Answer

If the function is integrable then it really does not matter which points you pick as long as the $\delta x $ goes to zero as $n$ goes to infinity.

Not every function is integrable so one way to prove that a given function is not integrable is to show that there are two Riemann sums which tend to different limits.

That is why we learn different methods.