Regular pentagon and diagonals


Show that in every regular pentagon when two diagonals intersect, one of the obtained segments is equal to the side of the pentagon.
enter image description here

I lost myself in my solution, to be honest. Firstly, we can calculate the angle of the regular pentagon: $\measuredangle A = \dfrac{5-3}{5}\cdot180^\circ=3\cdot36^\circ=108^\circ$. On my diagram the diagonals are $AD$ and $BE$. They intersect at $P$. It seems that we should show that $PBCD$ is a parallelogram (but since $BC=CD=a$ it will become a rhombus; so then aren't two of the obtained segments equal to the side of the pentagon??). What's the most straightforward path to the solution? I calculated $\measuredangle ABE=\measuredangle AEB=\dfrac{180^\circ-108^\circ}{2}=36^\circ$. Triangles $ABE$ and $EAD$ are congruent since $AB=AE=ED$ and $\measuredangle A=\measuredangle E$. This means $\measuredangle EAD=\measuredangle ADE=36^\circ$ and $BE=AD$.

Best Answer


$\angle ABC = 108\deg$ and $\angle ABE = 36\deg$, so $\angle EBC = 72\deg$.

Then $\angle EBC + \angle BCD = 72\deg + 108\deg = 180 \deg$, so $BE\parallel CD$. Similarly $AD \parallel BC$.

So $PBCD$ is a parallelogram.

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