Regular octagons and diagonals proof



A diagonal of a octagon is a line segment connecting any two
non-adjacent vertices.


Every vertex of the regular octagon will produce 2 diagonals that are
parallel to at least one side and 3 diagonals that are not parallel to
any side.

enter image description here

Best Answer

First, note that regardless of approach, we need only investigate diagonals $1$, $2$, and $3$ because there is reflective symmetry over diagonal $3$. Moreover, we only need to prove this fact for a single vertex due to rotational symmetry.

Now this probably isn't the most elegant, but one method would be to inscribe the octagon within a unit square:

$\qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad$enter image description here

We can imagine this square has its lower left vertex at the origin, and we can find the coordinates of the vertices of the octagon since the lengths $x$ and $y$ obey the following:

\begin{align} &2x + y \ = \ 1 \qquad \ \quad \text{(It's a unit square)} \\ &2x^2 \ = \ y^2 \qquad \qquad \text{(From the Pythagorean theorem)} \end{align}

With those coordinates, one can explicitly compute and compare the slopes of the diagonals and of the sides.