Regarding norm-attaining functional


Let $f\in X^*$, where $X$ is a complex normed linear space. I want to show that the real part of $f$ is norm attaining real linear functional iff $f$ is norm attaining complex linear.

Let $f$ be a norm attaining complex linear functional. Thus there exists $x_0\in B_X$ such that $\|f\|=|f(x_0)|$, where $B_X$ is the closed unit ball in $X$. I know that if $u$ is the real part of $f$, then $f(x)=u(x)-iu(ix)$ for all $x\in X$, $u$ is a bounded real linear functional and $\|f\|=\|u\|$.

Thus $\|u\|=|u(x_0)-iu(ix_0)|$. How to find $y_0\in B_X$ such that $|u(x_0)-iu(ix_0)|=|u(y_0)|$? I thought $\frac{x_0+ix_0}{\|x_0+ix_0\|}$ would work. But it didn't work. Any hint is appreciated.

Best Answer

If $\|u\| = |f(x_0)| \neq 0$, then let $$y_0 = \frac{u(x_0) + i u(ix_0)}{\|u\|}x_0.$$ Note that $\|y_0\| = \|x_0\| = \|u\|$. Further, \begin{align*} f(y_0) &= \frac{u(x_0) + i u(ix_0)}{\|u\|} f(x_0) \\ &= \frac{(u(x_0) + i u(ix_0))(u(x_0) - i u(ix_0))}{\|u\|} \\ &= \frac{|u(x_0) - i u(ix_0)|^2}{\|u\|} \\ &= \frac{\|u\|^2}{\|u\|} = \|u\| \in \Bbb{R}. \end{align*} Therefore, $u(y_0) = \Re f(y_0) = \|u\|$, as required.

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