Reflection of orthocenter about side midpoints is the diameter of circumcircle


Let H be the orthocenter of ABC. Let Y the reflection over the midpoint of BC. Show that AY is a diameter of (ABC), the circunference that passes through ABC.

My take: Using the fact that HCYB is a parallelogram (since its diagonals cross in their respective midpoints), we can state that $\angle$BYC = $\angle$BHC which is 180º – $\angle$ BAC. Since $\angle$ BAC + $\angle$ BYC = 180º, ABYC is a cyclic quadrilateral and Y lies on the circle. But I'm unsure on how to prove AY is a diameter, or that (which is equivalente) $\angle$ ACY = $\angle$ ABY = 90º. I know this question: Reflection of orthocenter about side midpoints lies on circumcircle has an answer which solves this with the use of complex numbers, but I would prefer a geometric aproach if possible.

Problem taken from Euclidean Geometry in Matematical Olympiads, by Evo Chen.

Best Answer

This solution doesn't use anything fancy.
These relationships can be observed if you drew the accurate diagram several times, which is a good first step for olympiad problems.
Fill in the details.

  1. Show that $Y$ lies on the circumcircle (done in statement).
  2. Let $X$ be the reflection of $H$ across $BC$. Show that $X$ also lies on the circumcircle by (similar) angle chasing.
  3. Show that $XY \parallel BC$.
  4. Show that $AHX$ is a straight line.
  5. Since $AH \perp BC$, hence $\angle AXY = 90^ \circ$.
  6. Hence $AY$ is the diameter of the circumcircle.
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