Reducing artificial variable needed for LPP

linear programmingoptimizationsimplexsimplex method

Given that I have a question of an objective function to minimize or maximize and I have a constraint for the same such that when converting to equation form for using simplex method would require an artificial variable. For example:

$$Max\;Z =\;100\,x_1\,+\,300x_2$$
Subject to

Didn't write non negativity constraint as it would be redundant

Here the last two constraint when written in standard form would have artificial variable hence the starting simplex table would have 4 starting variables.

Assuming we can convert these last two constraints into non negativity constraint by introducing and substituting new variable $X_1=x_1-30\quad$ & $\quad X_2=x_2-20\,$ where $\,X_1\ge0\;$ & $\;X_2\ge0\;$ and subsequently substitute them in the objective function and solve the new equation using simplex.

The new equation I am getting is
(maximizing only first 2 terms as rest are constant)

Subject to

I am getting the answer for both methods using 4 starting variables and using new substitution method which has 2 starting variable, the same. Answer from first method $x_1=30,x_2=50$ and from second method $X_1=0,X_2=20$ which is same when substituted back to $x_2\,\&\,x_1$.

I have tried this method on 2-3 more problems and all had same answers. The main effect of this method is that it reduces number of iterations of simplex method by 1-2.

My question is this method correct or not? If so can you provide a link or proof cause my professor isn't accepting this method without text to back it with.

Best Answer

What you’re effectively doing is called Lower-Bound Substitution. The Simplex method requires an initial Basic Feasible Solution. Normally, the lower bounds of a Linear Model is where all values of $x$ are equal to zero, i.e. $(x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n)=(0,0,\ldots,0)$, or what is called the origin

By doing lower-bound substitution, it is effectively pre-solving the model to start on the basic feasible extreme point where $(x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n)=(l_1, l_2, \ldots, l_n)$ where $l_n$ is the lower bound that corresponds to the decision variable $x_n$ that is found in the constraint $x_n \ge l_n$. Graphically, the feasible region of the model looks like so: enter image description here

The purple dot (at the origin) is where we’d be starting if we used the artificial basis. The green dot is where we’d be starting given then lower-bound substitution method.

Thus, this method is considered a standard method for solving models with non-zero lower-bounds, as like you pointed out, it will reduce the amount of pivots needed to go from the artificial solution to a basic feasible solution (in other words, remove the extra constraints present in the model). The first link above goes into bounded problems on a much deeper level like your professor is wanting

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