Recursion for the number of words of length $n$ over the alphabet $\{0, 1, 2\}$ such that there are neither $11$ nor $22$ blocks


Let $a_n$ be the length of words over an alphabet $\{0,1,2\}$ such that there are neither $11$ nor $22$ "blocks".

I. e. $001020$ would be allowed, $001120$ wouldn't because we have a $11$ block.

I have to show that $$a_n=2a_{n-1}+a_{n-2}$$

It looks like this recursion dissects the question into three cases (and adds them all up):

  • The word of length $n$ ending with $0$: We have: $\underbrace{\cdots \cdots \cdots }_{a_{n-1}}0$
  • The word of length $n$ ending with $1$: We have $\cdots \cdots \cdots 1$. Now we'll have to be careful though, since the digit that preceeds $1$ can't be $1$. It has to be a $0$ or a $2$. Do I have to distinguish these cases as well? Say, it is $0$, then $\underbrace{\cdots \cdots \cdots}_{a_{n-2}} 01$. Likewise if it was $2$. How do I take into account this ambiguity?
  • The word of length $n$ ending with $2$ is essentially the same as the one ending with $1$.

It would make sense to me if it'd be $a_n=a_{n-1}+2\cdot a_{n-2}$.

Best Answer

$\color{blue}{\text{Case I-)}}$ It start up with $0$:

  • $0...\rightarrow a_{n-1}$

This is obvious , as you wrote , it is $a_{n-1}$

$\color{blue}{\text{Case II-)}}$

For each $k$ between zero and $(n-2)$ , there could be string of $(n-k-1)$ alternating $1's$ and $2's$ which followed by a zero , so followed by no pair of consecutive ones or twos.Then there are $2a_{n-(n-k)}=2a_k$ such strings.For example:

  • $20.... \rightarrow a_{n-2}$

  • $10.... \rightarrow a_{n-2}$

  • $120.... \rightarrow a_{n-3}$

  • $210.... \rightarrow a_{n-3}$

  • $121212.... \rightarrow a_{0}$

  • $212121.... \rightarrow a_{0}$

So , $$2a_{n-2}+2a_{n-3}+....+2a_{0}$$

$\color{blue}{\text{Case III-)}}$

Ternary strings that always alternate bewtween $1$ and $2$ , we have two such strings such that

  • $121212....$

  • $212121...$

So we have two such strings.

Now , lets sum these three cases to reach $a_n$ such that $$a_n=(a_{n-1})+(2a_{n-2}+2a_{n-3}+....+2a_{0})+2$$

However , we cannot find any value using this long recursion ,so lets make a manipulation such that $$a_{n-1}=(a_{n-2})+(2a_{n-3}+2a_{n-4}+....+2a_{0})+2$$

Now , lets subtract them such that




So , $$a_n=2a_{n-1}+a_{n-2}$$