Recurrence $f_{n+2}=af_{n+1}+bf_n$


Solve the recurrence $$f_{n+2}=af_{n+1}+bf_n\qquad n\in\Bbb N_0\tag{1}$$
Where $a,b>0$ and $f_0,f_1$ are given.

I know that if $$F_{n+1}=c_nF_n+d_n$$ then $$F_n=F_0\prod_{k=0}^{n-1}c_k+\sum_{m=0}^{n-1}d_m\prod_{k=m+1}^{n-1}c_k\ .$$
But I am unsure of how to find a solution to the recurrence in question. I am fairly certain that a closed form exists, because the Fibonacci sequence $F_n$ (which is given by the case $a=b=f_1=1$ and $f_0=0$) has an explicit solution, namely
$$F_n=\frac{\varphi^n-\psi^n}{\sqrt5}$$ where
$$\varphi=\frac{1+\sqrt5}2,\qquad \psi=\frac{1-\sqrt5}2\,.$$
Admittedly, I do not know how to prove said result, but I'm sure there is some sort of generalization of the proof to solve my recurrence.

I've defined the generating function
and shown that
$$f(x)=\frac{f_0+(f_1-af_0)x}{1-ax-bx^2}\ .$$
So of course $$f_n=\frac1{n!}\left(\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\right)^n\frac{f_0+(f_1-af_0)x}{1-ax-bx^2}\,\Bigg|_{x=0}$$
but that is way too inefficient. Is there a nice closed form solution for $(1)$? Thanks.

Best Answer

You start by finding two geometric sequences that solve

$$x^{n+2} = ax^{n+1}+bx^n\tag{A.}$$

Solving for $x$, we get

\begin{align} x^{n+2} &= ax^{n+1}+bx^n \\ x^2 &= ax+b \\ x^2 - ax -b &= 0 \\ x &= \frac{a\pm\sqrt{a^2+4b}}{2} \end{align}

From here on, we have to assume that $a^2+4b \ne 0$.

Then $f_n = \alpha\left(\dfrac{a + \sqrt{a^2+4b}}{2}\right)^n + \beta\left(\dfrac{a - \sqrt{a^2+4b}}{2}\right)^n$

will solve $f_{n+2}=af_{n+1}+bf_n$ for all $n \ge 0$.

We still need to solve $f_0 = \alpha + \beta$ and $f_1=\alpha\left(\dfrac{a + \sqrt{a^2+4b}}{2}\right) + \beta\left(\dfrac{a - \sqrt{a^2+4b}}{2}\right)$ for $\alpha$ and $\beta$, but that is relatively trivial.

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