Recommendations for Numerical Analysis book covering specific requirements

interpolationnumerical methodsordinary differential equationsreference-requestsystems of equations

I have a numerical analysis course, Course content is as follows can anyone recommend me a good book or several books which covers these areas. If the book gives an intuitive idea it would be better.

Solving system of linear equations

  • Direct Methods

• Algebraic Process
• Gaussian Elimination
• Gauss-Jordan Elimination
• Matrix-Factorization (Triangularization)

  • Iterative Methods

• Gauss-Jacobi Method
• Gauss-Seidel Method
• Convergence of Relaxation

Interpolation Methods

•Linear Interpolation
•Newton’s Divided Difference Formula
(Polynomial Approximations)
•Newton’s Forward Difference Interpolation
•Cubic Spline Interpolation

Solving ODE

•Method of Starting the solution
(Taylor (power) series approach)
•Picard’s Method of Successive Approximations
•Euler’s Method
•Improved Euler’s Method
•Modified Euler’s Method
•Predictor-Corrector Method

Best Answer

Numerical Analysis by Richard L. Burden and J. Douglas Faires covers all the topics you have mentioned and it's a good book with proper explanations.

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