Realizing a finite group as a scheme


Suppose $G$ is a finite group. I have seen in various sources, without explanation, that we can interpret $G$ as a scheme by letting $G:=\coprod_{g\in G}\operatorname{Spec}\mathbb{Z}$. Why and how can we make sense of $G$ in this way — i.e. how is it compatible with the original group $G$? What is the group law given this interpretation?

If we for example let $G=\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$, then for a scheme $T$, we have that $G(T)=\coprod_{g\in G}\operatorname{Hom}(T,\operatorname{Spec\mathbb{Z}})$, which is a set with two elements since $\operatorname{Spec}\mathbb{Z}$ is the final object. But how can we impose a group structure that matches the original structure on $G$?

Best Answer

I will assume first we are working with schemes over a field $k$, so that we can think about this classically. That way, we can define the group structure as we would on a set, and look at how regular functions pull back.

Let's denote $X = \bigsqcup_{g \in G} \operatorname{Spec} k = \{P_g\:|\;g \in G\}$ and define a function $X \times X \to X$ by $(P_g, P_h) \mapsto P_{gh}$. Now, a regular function $\varphi$ on $X$ is just an element $(x_g)_{g \in G} \in k^{G}$. Similarly, regular functions on $X \times X$ are just given by an element $(x_{(g, h)})_{g,h \in G \times G} \in k^{G \times G}$. Hence, given such a function $(x_g)_{g \in G} \in k^{G}$, its pullback to $X \times X$ is the function which sends $(P_g, P_h) \mapsto P_{gh} \mapsto x_{gh}. $

We can then describe the associated homomorphism of rings $k^{G} \to k^{G \times G}$ to be given explicitly $(x_g)_{g \in G} \mapsto (x_{gh})_{(g, h) \in G \times G}$, and by construction, when we take the Spec of this map, we recover the usual group operation on $G$, when we identify $X$ and $G$ via $P_g \mapsto g$.

Now, notice that this homomorphism $k^G \to k^{G \times G}$ was natural and did not rely at all on $k$ being a field, so we can just as easily define such a map $\mathbb{Z}^G \to \mathbb{Z}^{G \times G} \cong \mathbb{Z}^G \otimes_{\mathbb{Z}} \mathbb{Z}^G$. When we base change to an arbitrary field $k$, we recover the same $X$ and the multiplication morphism defined before, so in this way, we can recover the group operation of $G$.

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