Real and imaginary parts for $F(\varphi,m)$ with complex argument

complex numberselliptic integrals

I have this case: $F(\arcsin u,m)$, where $u>1$, so it ends up as $F(\frac{\pi}{2}-i\text{arccosh} u,m)$.

and I need to decompose it into real and imaginary parts. I have seen this question, but it has no answer. After some searches, looking through Abramowitz & Stegun, at 17.4.11 it describes how to do that:


where $\cot^2\lambda$ is the positive root of




It turns out that the real part ends up as the complete elliptic integral of the first kind, $F(\lambda,m)=K(m)$, which suits me just fine, so all I have to do is determine the imaginary part, which means I need $\mu$, which derives from $\lambda$. For my case $\phi=\frac{\pi}{2}\Rightarrow \cot^2\phi=0,\space\csc^2\phi=1$, so $(1)$ becomes:


so, considering that $m<0.1$ (practical values are $0.01$ or less), gives the positive root (with the help of wxMaxima, I'm not versed in math):


So far, so good, but now I have problems in expressing $\mu$ from $(2)$:


Did I do it right so far? If yes, what do I do with $\tan\phi=\tan\left(\frac{\pi}{2}\right)$? If not, how should I proceed?

Looking in the same A&S, section 17.4.8 describes the transforming of the completely imaginary argument:


Knowing that the $\lambda$ calculated earlier is different than the $\mu=\text{arccosh}u$, I still tried plotting $F(\arctan(\sinh(\text{arccosh}u)),1-m)$ (got curious), where the argument reduces to (thanks to wxMaxima) $\arctan\sqrt{u^2-1}$. By mistake, I wrote $1+m$ in the modulus, instead of $1-m$, and this came up for $m=0.1$:


and for $m=0.01$, which is about the maximum value $m$ can take in my application:


Not only it gets closer, but for $m=0.1$ I used the hammer to tweak the modulus and the exponent to be something like $F(\arctan\sqrt{u^{2.2}-1},0.98625+m)$, and the result is this (the difference is in orange, multiplied by 100):


Is this a known "shortcut"? Is this worth following?

Best Answer

There are in fact two sets of formulas for $F(\sin^{-1}u,m)$ with $u>1$, depending on whether $u>\frac1{\sqrt m}$ or not. Both are very simple and don't have the problem of the tangent blowing up at $\pi/2$.

If $1\le u\le\frac1{\sqrt m}$, Byrd and Friedman 115.02 gives $$F(\sin^{-1}u,m)=K(m)+iF\left(\sin^{-1}\frac{\sqrt{u^2-1}}{u\sqrt{1-m}},1-m\right)$$ If $\frac1{\sqrt m}\le u$, Byrd and Friedman 115.03 gives $$F(\sin^{-1}u,m)=F\left(\sin^{-1}\frac1{u\sqrt m},m\right)+iK(1-m)$$

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