Real analysis question from olympiad practice book


Below is a question I struggle to solve from an old olympiad textbook

Let $ a_0, a_1 \dots a_n $ be real numbers and $ 0 < x < 1 $ is fixed which satisfy

$$ \frac{a_0}{1-x} + \frac{a_1}{1-x^2} + \dots + \frac{a_n}{1-x^{n+1}} = 0 $$

We are asked to prove that there exist a real number $ y $ such that

$$ a_0+a_1y+\dots+a_ny^n = 0 $$

I have attempted to observe the question to come up with a solution. I thought since $ 0 < x < 1 $ we could use infinite geometric series which converge here, I thought about differentiation but cannot proceed with this idea, and I thought about multiplying the given equation by $ 1-x $ and reducing the fractions but I am stuck. I appreciate all help.

Best Answer

Expanding in geometric series and defining $a(z)=a_0z+...+a_nz^{n+1}$, you find that $$ \sum_{k=0}^\infty a(x^k)=0 $$ If the polynomial values in the terms are all zero, your task is done. If one $a(x^k)$ is non-zero, then there has to be some other $a(x^m)$ of opposite sign. Find the root by intermediate value theorem between $x^k$ and $x^m$, that is, also in $(0,1)$.

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