Rational function – domain and vertical asymptote


Consider the function:

When looking for domain, the denominator $x^3-x^2+x-1$ can not be zero. So $f(x)$ is undefined when $x=1.$

But when simplifying given function I get:


Now domain seems to change, since $x^2+1>0$ for every $x \in \mathbb{R}$.

Does the domain change when simplifying given expression?

Also, when determinating the vertical asymptote, we look for domain. I was thinking that since $x^2+1>0$ for every $x \in \mathbb{R}$ that given function doesn't have any undefined points so vertical asymptote doesn't exist.
Or do I need to consider first domain and look for the limit of function as $x$ approaches $1^+$ or $1^-$?

Thank you!

Best Answer

It is $$f(x)=\frac{(x-1)(2x-1)(x^2+4x-1)}{(x-1)(x^2+1)}=\frac{(2x-1)(x^2-4x-1)}{x^2+1}$$ only if $$x\neq 1$$ There is a whole in this function at $x=1$

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