Rankine Hugoniot condition for non-scalar initial data

partial differential equationswave equation

Going off the example the following question (The Rankine-Hugoniot condition), how do we calculate the Rankine Hugoniot condition for nonscalar initial data? For $t \leq 1$ I understand how the author obtains the piecewise solution, but I am unclear how he obtains the bounds for each solution. Would anyone be able to explain this? Thanks!

Best Answer

In the case of systems of conservation laws $$ \boldsymbol{u}_t + \boldsymbol{f}(\boldsymbol{u})_x = \boldsymbol{0} $$ where bold characters are vectors (it works also in the scalar case), the Rankine-Hugoniot condition (RH) for shock waves of speed $s$ is obtained by writing the scalar RH condition for each entry, i.e. $$ [\! [ \boldsymbol{f}(\boldsymbol{u}) ]\!] = s [\! [ \boldsymbol{u} ]\!] . $$ If $\boldsymbol{f}(\boldsymbol{u}) = \boldsymbol{A}\boldsymbol{u}+\boldsymbol{b}$ is linear, we end up with the eigenvalue problem $$ \boldsymbol{A} [\! [ \boldsymbol{u} ]\!] = s [\! [ \boldsymbol{u} ]\!] . $$ (The other query was answered directly in the comments of OP's linked post)