Rank of the sum of rank-1 matrices

linear algebramatricesmatrix decompositionmatrix-rank

Related question here: Rank of sum of rank-1 matrices

It looks like my question is a generalisation of the linked question I think.

Suppose I have a $k\times n$ matrix $A$ where $k \geq n$ and suppose that $\mathrm{rank}(A) = m\ (\leq n \leq k)$.

Write $r_1,\dots r_k$ for the rows of $A$ and consider the $n\times n$ matrix
B = r_1^Tr_1 + \cdots + r_k^Tr_k.

Is it true that
\mathrm{rank}(B) = m?

Best Answer

Yes: your matrix $B$ is $A^TA$ and therefore has the same rank as $A$.

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